Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kiven Head Back To 1840

Kiven's single 1840 is a masterclass in writing technically gorgeous soaring pop that is instantly memorable. Sounding something like a Jealous Sound post emo sort of band mixed with the heavenly aspirations of someone like Coldplay these guys clearly know how to write a big song without actually being big. 1840 is like stadium pop for your living room.

The three songs here, "Home & Smoke," "The Blur," and "Forward," are all massive emotionally charged tunes that take off like an A380 at dusk. Soaring skyward at speed the songs are nearly ethereal, very well played and filled with enough vocal hooks to brainwash you. The stuff just sounds ridiculously good and is played even better. It's always awesome when a band can successfully blend challenging music with a pop sensibility. It's a joy to listen to and that's what 1840 is pure joy.

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